Rs 111 SIP for 41 years vs Rs 1,111 SIP for 21 years vs Rs 11,111 SIP for 11 years; which of 3 can give 27-time return?
Power of Compounding: Investors who want to take the maximum benefit of compounding need to stretch their investment as long as possible. Even if they get an average return on their investment, they can create a large corpus from comparatively much smaller investment.
Power of Compounding: Patience pays in investment! But how does it pay? A Rs 2,500 monthly SIP investment can generate a corpus of Rs 88.25 lakh, Rs 1.63 crore, and Rs 2.97 crore if, at a 12 per cent annualised return, one invests that amount for 30 years, 35 years, and 40 years, respectively. It's because they get compound growth on their investment, where a long duration accelerates growth faster. A Rs 1,000 monthly SIP investment can generate over Rs 1 crore corpus, and a Rs 12,500 monthly SIP can generate a near-Rs 15 crore corpus if both investments get a 12 per cent annualised return for 40 years. See how time plays a key role in the compound growth of investment and which of the 3 SIPs—a Rs 111 monthly SIP for 41 years, a Rs 1,111 monthly SIP for 21 years, and a Rs 11,111 monthly SIP for 11 years—can generate a higher corpus.
Photo: Unsplash/Pixabay