Rs 14,000 SIP vs Rs 7,000 Step-Up SIP: Which will take faster to Rs 12.44 crore corpus in long term? See details to know
SIP vs Step-Up SIP: To build a substantial corpus in the long-term, there are plenty of investment options available in the market. Among all these options, you can choose SIP or opt for step-up SIP. In this write-up, we will compare the returns from both types of SIPs over 25, 30, and 35-year periods.
SIP vs Step-Up SIP: To build a substantial corpus in the long term, there are plenty of investment options available in the market. Among all these options, you can choose SIP or opt for step-up SIP. SIP, or Regular SIP, is a systematic investment plan offered by many mutual funds, allowing investors to invest small amounts periodically instead of making lump-sum investments. On the other hand, Step-Up SIP is a type of SIP where investors can automatically increase the SIP amount after a chosen time period (such as 6 or 12 months).
(Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. The calculations presented are projections. Please do your own due diligence or consult a financial advisor for personalized advice.)