Power of Compounding: With Rs 1,000 monthly SIP, this Large & Mid Cap MF scheme has built nearly Rs 37,000 corpus in just 2 years
With lump sum investments of Rs 10,000, three funds—Motilal Oswal Large & Midcap Fund, Bandhan Core Equity Fund and Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund—have rewarded investors with annualised returns of 32-40 per cent in just two years, according to data from the AMFI website.
Did you know a special category of mutual fund (MF) schemes invests at least 35 per cent each in large-cap and mid-cap stocks? Mutual fund schemes in this category are known as ‘Large & Mid Cap’ funds. In mutual funds, while the first 100 companies by market capitalisation are considered large-cap, and the next 150 are considered mid-cap companies. This means that these mutual fund schemes ensure 70 per cent of investment in the country's largest 250 companies by market value. Read on to learn in detail how some of the top Large & Mid Cap MF schemes have performed through lump sum and SIP routes over the past two years. For the sake of simplicity, we are interpreting the available data in terms of Rs 1,000 monthly SIPs or Rs 10,000 lump sum investments.
Images: PTI/Pexels
Top 3 Large & Mid Cap MF Schemes in 2 Years
As of November 29, in the past two years, the top-performing schemes in this category are Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund, Bandhan Core Equity Fund and Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund.
With a lump sum investment of Rs 10,000, the schemes have delivered annualised returns as follows:
- Motilal Oswal Large and Midcap Fund: Rs 19,654 (40.1%)
- Bandhan Core Equity Fund: Rs 17,720 (33.1%)
- Invesco India Large & Mid Cap Fund: Rs 17,706 (33%)