Top Flexi Cap vs Top Multi Cap Mutual Fund: Which has given higher return on Rs 33,333 monthly SIP investment for 3 years? Know here
Top flexi cap vs top multi cap mutual fund 3-year SIP return calculator: The common ground between flexi cap mutual funds and multi cap mutual funds is that both can have large, mid, and small-cap stocks in their portfolios. Yet there is a fundamental difference, and hence they are segregated. In either cap, the fund manager can shift investments from one cap to another cap depending on market conditions.
Top Flexi Cap vs Top Multi Cap Mutual Fund 3-year SIP return Calculator: When selecting mutual funds, investors need to decide the cap—large, mid, or small—they want to invest in. Many equity fund categories may have a bias for a particular cap. But flexi and multi cap are unique categories that are mandated to have all 3 caps, large, mid, and small. During market volatility, when large, mid, or small cap index slips, inflows in flexi or multi cap most likely see high inflows. But if both have large, mid, and small cap stocks in their portfolios, what's the difference between them, and which of the best performing funds from either category has given a higher SIP return in 3 years? Know here-
Photos: Unsplash/Pixabay
What are flexi cap mutual funds?
Flexi cap funds need to have 65 per cent of their investments in equity or equity-related instruments, as per Securities Exchange Board of India's (Sebi) categorisation for mutual funds. They can invest in large, mid, and small stocks of any market cap company. There is no restriction to maintain a percentage of either of the cap. The fund manager can shift funds from non-performing cap to performing-cap stocks.
What are flexi cap mutual funds?
What are multi cap mutual funds?
Multi cap mutual funds need to have at least 75 per cent of their investments in equity or equity-related instruments, as per Sebi's classification. But the main difference between it and flexi cap funds is that multi caps need to have at least 25 per cent large, mid, and small cap stocks each in their portfolio.