Top 7 Index Mutual Funds With Best SIP Returns in 10 Years: Rs 11,111 monthly SIP investment in No. 1 fund is now worth Rs 33,18,831; know how others have fared
Top 7 index mutual funds with best SIP returns in 10 years: Index funds track an index, having the same set of stocks as in the index they are following. When investors pick an index fund, they need to notice the index that the fund is tracking. Index funds are passive funds with a low expense ratio.
Top 7 index mutual funds with best SIP returns in 10 years: The concept of market index is to have stocks that belong to that category, market cap, businesses, etc. The stocks in an index change as per their performance but the nature of an index remains constant. Index mutual fund is a category where funds track a particular index. They have the same set of stocks in the same proportion as the index that they are following has. It can make fund selection easy for mutual fund investors who either don't have much knowledge about funds or have a lack of time to track the performance or the portfolio of their fund. When they invest in an index fund, they practically invest in the index stocks. The target of the fund manager is to match the performance of the index. Such funds are passive and have a low expense ratio, emerging as strong contenders to large caps. Here, we take you through the top 7 index mutual funds with highest annualised SIP returns in the 10-year period. Also know what a Rs 11,111 monthly investment in each of the can give in that new time frame.
Photos: Unsplash/Pixabay