SBI 2222-Day Green Deposit FD vs Central Bank of India 2222-Day FD: What will you get on Rs 4,44,444 and Rs 7,77,777 investments in these special FD? Know here
SBI 2222-Day Green Rupee Deposit FD vs Central Bank of India 2222-Day FD: Banks start special fixed deposit (FD) schemes for different tenures. These FDs are launched for limited durations and can be callable and non-callable.
SBI 2222-Day Green Rupee Deposit FD vs Central Bank of India 2222-Day FD: A lot of investors seeking guaranteed returns from fixed interest options invest in fixed deposit (FD) schemes. These FDs have fixed durations and provide interest on maturity. Alongside traditional FDs, which can range from 7 days to 10 years of duration, banks also issue special FDs. Such special FDs are issued for limited durations. But banks extend the deadline to invest depending on investor response. Special FDs often offer slightly higher interest rates than traditional FDs of the same bank. Special FDs can be callable and non-callable. State Bank of India and Central Bank of India offer green deposit special FD of 2,222 days each. Know more about these special FDs and what return they offer to general and senior citizens on investments of Rs 4,44,444 and Rs 7,77,777, respectively.
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SBI Green Rupee Term Deposit (SGRTD) special FD
The scheme invests money in environmental and related projects. The scheme offers 3 FDs of different durations: 1111, 1777, and 2222 days.
The interest rates for the 1,111- and 1,777-day FDs are the same, while they are different for the 2,222-day FD.
The minimum investment in the FD is Rs 1,000, while there is no maximum limit.