Power of Rs 5,500 SIP: How Rs 5,500 monthly step up SIP can create over Rs 10 crore retirement corpus, know here
Power of Rs 5,500 SIP: Small monthly investments can make a big impact if made for a long term. A Rs 5,500 monthly step up SIP investment can generate a corpus of Rs 10 crore if made consistently.
Power of Rs 5,500 SIP: Beginning from a monthly investment of Rs 5,500 to reach a retirement corpus of Rs 10 crore may appear to be surreal, but many things that look tough to get can be within reach if one makes a consistent effort. Similarly, a person making consistent investments for years can reach a substantial retirement corpus goal. The condition is to begin their retirement planning journey early and stick to it for a long time. With that, they get more years for compound growth of their investment compared to when they begin late. Know how a Rs 5,500 monthly step up SIP, boosting by 5 per cent yearly, can generate a Rs 10 crore corpus.
Photos: Unsplash/Pixabay
Benefit of early investment

Rs 2,000 SIP vs Rs 8,000 SIP

Rs 2,000 SIP vs Rs 8,000 SIP

Rs 2,000 SIP vs Rs 8,000 SIP

Rs 2,000 vs Rs 20,000 SIP

Rs 2,000 vs Rs 20,000 SIP

Here, A will invest Rs 2,000 for 39 years, and B will invest Rs 20,000 for 20 years. Both expect a 12 per cent annualised return each. Let's see who creates a higher corpus.
A's investment in 39 years will be Rs 9,36,000, estimated capital gains will be Rs 2,01,31,354, and the estimated corpus will be Rs 2,10,67,354.
Rs 2,000 vs Rs 20,000 SIP

From Rs 5,500 step up SIP to Rs 10 crore corpus

Corpus from Rs 5,500 step up SIP in 10 years

Corpus from Rs 5,500 step up SIP in 20 years

Corpus from Rs 5,500 step up SIP in 30 years

Corpus from Rs 5,500 step up SIP in 40 years

What are learnings

Compound growth works best in the long duration. The longer one invests, the faster their corpus can grow.
In first 10 years, the investor could generate Rs 15,32,818 on an investment of Rs 8,30,141.
From 10 to 20 years, the estimated corpus grew by Rs 60,22,875, on an investment of Rs 13,52,212.
From 20 to 30 years, the estimated corpus increased by Rs 2,14,48,040, on an extra investment of Rs 22,02,611. It grew even faster in the next 10 years.
What are learnings