Daily SIP vs Monthly SIP: Which SIP can give you higher return on Rs 1 lakh/year investment for 12 years
Rs 274 Daily SIP vs Rs 8,333 Monthly SIP: Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a method of investing in mutual funds where one can invest daily, monthly, weekly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly. One can start an SIP according to their income flow.
Rs 274 Daily SIP vs Rs 8,334 Monthly SIP: Mutual fund investors can invest in a scheme through two methods- lump sum or systematic investment plan (SIP). Investors who don't have a large sum to invest and want to invest periodically invest through SIP, where they can invest for different durations based on their income flow. The popular SIP is monthly, but investors can also opt for daily, weekly, quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly SIPs based on their income flow. Know more about daily and monthly SIPs and which of the two—Rs 274 daily SIP or Rs 8,334 monthly SIP—can help build a larger corpus on an overall investment of Rs 1 lakh investment per year for 12 years.
Photos: Unsplash/Pixabay
How SIP works
How SIP works
What's daily SIP?
The popular SIP duration is monthly since the income cycle of most retail investors is monthly, but there can be cases where they have daily income and find a daily investment more convenient compared to a monthly investment. When one invests in a daily SIP, they purchase SIPs at different rates every day.
What's daily SIP?
What is monthly SIP?
What is monthly SIP?
Rs 99 daily SIP vs Rs 3,000 monthly SIP
Let's see how both SIPs work. A and B decide to invest Rs 4,32,000 through SIP in 12 years. A selects daily SIP investment, while B selects monthly SIP investment. In such a case, the estimated daily SIP amount will be Rs 98.63, while the monthly SIP amount will be Rs 3,000. Let's see how much they accumulate in 12 years.