As efforts are on across the globe to develop new ways to avoid monster traffic jams, especially in the Asian continent, a German aviation firm has come out with a startling revelation that test flights of a driverless hover-taxi will take place in Singapore next year, said an AFP report.
German firm Volocopter reportedly stated that it will conduct the test flights in Singapore in the second half of next year with the support of the government. Resembling a helicopter, Volocopter's electric air taxis take off and land vertically, said an AFP report.
The driverless vehicles are based on drone technology and can fly two people for around 30 kilometres, the firm said in a statement. "The Volocopter is designed specifically for inner city missions," Volocopter said in a statement, adding it can withstand minor turbulence around skyscrapers, allowing for smooth rides."
A company spokeswoman reportedly said the Volocopter can be controlled by a pilot using a joystick, or remotely from the ground, adding "It is so quiet that at a flight height of 100 metres (330 feet), it cannot be heard over the typical background noise of a city." 
Apart from the test flights, the German firm will also set up a product design and engineering centre in Singapore to support its expansion plans, the report said, adding that the company is getting ready to roll out their first fixed routes in cities.
Notably, the hover-taxis will complement helicopter-hailing services which are already taking off in some cities to beat traffic jams. 
Since the developed city-state of Singapore does not suffer major congestion, it is reportedly considered to be a perfect test-bed for new technologies due to its compact size and openness to innovation. 
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Notably, the Singapore tests follow a public demonstration in Dubai last year.