Summer Car Care: 5 Essential Tips To Beat The Summer


Priya Vishwakarma

Mar 12,2024

With the changing seasons, it is important to take special care of your car before the heat sets in. Here are some maintenance tips to consider:

1. Parking Precautions

During winter, it is easy to park cars outside without any worries, but as summer approaches, it becomes necessary to pay special attention to parking.

Parking the car under shade prevents the interior from overheating, affecting car's AC performance.

2. Check Tyre Pressure

Due to intense heat, the car's tyres can expand, increasing the risk of a blowout. Therefore, before driving, make sure that the tyres have the correct pressure and are not worn out.

3. AC Service

AC usage reduces during winter, so before relying on car's AC in summer, make sure it is serviced.

Note: Parking in the sun can also heat up the car's interior, making the AC less effective.

4. Engine Oil Focus

In the summer, rising temperatures can cause engine oil to deteriorate quickly, potentially causing engine damage.

Regularly check and change the engine oil as needed to keep your car running smoothly.

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