(Animation, Adventure, Family)
In the adaptation of the final storyline from the manga "Mushishi Zoku Shou: Suzu no Shizuku," we delve into Ginko's unique expedition through the supernatural as he seeks to uncover the secrets surrounding the mysterious girl known as Kaya and the mountain she now inhabits.
(Animation, Adventure, Family)
During World War II in Japan, a young boy and his younger sister face challenges as they strive to endure and persevere amidst the turmoil of the era.
(Animation, Drama, War)
Ashitaka sets out to cure a Tatarigami's curse but gets caught in a war between forest gods and a mining colony. Along the way, he meets San, the Mononoke Hime.
(Animation, Action, Adventure)
Two adolescents experience a deep, mystical bond when they realize they are swapping bodies. Matters escalate when they agree to meet face-to-face, adding further complexity to their situation.
(Animation, Drama, Fantasy)
The End of Evangelion The simultaneous theatrical conclusion of the 1995 television series "Neon Genesis Evangelion"..
(Animation, Action, Drama)
The End of Evangelion The simultaneous theatrical conclusion of the 1995 television series "Neon Genesis Evangelion"..
(Animation, Short, Drama)
When a timid young woman falls victim to a vengeful witch's curse, aging her into an elderly body, her sole hope for breaking the enchantment rests with a narcissistic yet uncertain young wizard and his companions in their mobile, ambulating castle.
(Animation, Adventure, Family)
The End of Evangelion The simultaneous theatrical conclusion of the 1995 television series "Neon Genesis Evangelion"..
(Animation, Comedy, Family)
Following the untimely demise of her werewolf partner during a hunting mishap, a young woman is left to navigate the challenges of raising their werewolf son and daughter, all while concealing their supernatural heritage from the outside world.
(Animation, Drama, Family)