Top contra MFs with up to 35.80% SIP returns in 5 years

ZeeBiz WebTeam

Aug 07,2024

What are contra mutual funds?

This is an equity mutual fund category where the fund manager invests in stocks that are contrary to prevailing market sentiments and conditions. 

Which are top contra MFs in 5 years?

SBI Contra Fund,  Kotak India EQ Contra Fund Direct-Growth, and Invesco India Contra Fund Direct-Growth are the top contra mutual funds.

SBI Contra Fund

The fund has given 35.80 per cent annualised SIP return in 5 years, while in the same period, its annualised lump sum returns are 32.64 per cent. 

SBI Contra Fund

Kotak India EQ Contra Fund Direct-Growth

The fund has given 29.50 per cent annualised SIP returns in 5 years. Its lump sum returns in the same period are 25.83 per cent. It has an asset base of Rs 3,500 crore

SBI Contra Fund

Invesco India Contra Fund Direct-Growth

The fund has had a 27.67 per cent annualised SIP return in 5 years. During the same time, the fund's annualised lump return is 25.09 per cent. The fund has an asset base of Rs 16,188 crore.

SBI ontra Fund

Top MFs with up to 35.80% SIP returns in 5 years