Kharif vs Rabi | Key differences between 2 seasons

ZeeBiz WebTeam

Jul 10,2024

Kharif season | Rabi season

In India, the agricultural calendar is divided into two main seasons based on the monsoon cycle: ‘kharif’ and ‘rabi’. There are a few basic differences between the two seasons.


The kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon rains in the country (typically in June/July).


The rabi season, on the other hand, begins in October/November and lasts till March/April.


Kharif crops are sown at the beginning of the monsoon season and harvested in the autumn.


Crops are sown at the end of the monsoon season or during the winter months and harvested in spring.


Kharif crops rely heavily on rainfall for irrigation.


Rabi crops depend mainly on canals, wells, and reservoirs for irrigation.

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