Top mango-producing states in India

Top mango-producing states in India

ZeeBiz WebTeam

Aug 23,2024

Top mango-producing states in India

Take a look at some key takeaways from National Horticulture Board (NHB) data for the year 2021-22. 

Did you know?

Almost 88% of India's mango production is concentrated in 10 states.

Did you know?

Out of these 10 states, five produce at least a million tonnes of the fruit annually. Read on for more. 

5. Telangana

At the fifth position is Telangana, producing 1.16 million metric tonnes in a year. 

4. Bihar 

Producing 1.55 MTs of mangoes annually, Bihar is next on the list at the fourth spot. 

3. Karnataka

At the third position is Karnataka, producing about 1.75 MTs of mangoes annually. 

2. Andhra Pradesh

With 4.68 MTs, Andhra Pradesh is at the second spot.

1. Uttar Pradesh

At the top position is UP with 4.81 MTs of annual mango production.

5 states contribute more than two-thirds of India's overall mango production

UP, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar and Telangana account for 68.5% of the country's total mango output.

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