Unveiling the ownership landscape:

Written By | Ankur Gupta

5 types of companies

Ankur Gupta

Feb 23,2024
Lined Circle

Companies are the backbone of economies, driving innovation, creating jobs, and shaping our nation and the world.

Ever wondered who owns these companies? Here are the different types of companies based on ownership:


Companies whose shares are traded on stock exchanges. It means they are owned by many investors.


Private companies are owned by individuals, families, or groups of investors, but shares of these firms are not traded publicly.  Local shops, startups, and family businesses are some examples of private companies.


The companies owned and operated by the government for serving public interests are known as Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) or Public Sector Enterprises (PSE).

Joint Ventures

These types of companies have partnerships between two or more companies along with sharing ownership and profits.


Non-profit Organisations are driven by social missions. Their aim is not to earn profit, and they are funded by donations and grants.