7 Easy Exercises To Burn Belly Fat

ZeeBiz Desk

Feb 05,2024

Although reducing belly fat may seem extremely difficult, here are 7 easy exercises that can help one burn visceral fat.


Walking can help reduce overall fat (including belly fat), the key is staying consistent and walking in the right heart rate zone.


Squats work on your quads and glutes, and create engagement from the core of the body, making them perfect for losing belly fat.


If done consistently, bicycling can help you burn calories, strengthen the body and help lose stubborn belly fat.


Plank is one the most effective exercise for reducing belly fat as this  simple pose activates all the core muscles.


Crunch is an abdominal exercise that targets abs. This makes it a great exercise to lose belly fat quickly.

High knee

High knee is considered as a form of a standing ab workout which targets core and reduce excess fat.

Russian twist

Russian twist works on important muscles that help you maintain good posture. It also help burn fat and tone your waistline.