World Cancer Day: World Cancer Day is celebrated every year on February 4. It is observed to unite the world in the fight against cancer. 


World Cancer Day aims to save millions of lives each year through education, raising awareness and pressing governments and individuals worldwide to take action.

What is Cancer?
Cancer is a disease that occurs when a group of normal cells are seen changing in the body, which leads to uncontrolled, abnormal growth forming a lump called a tumour.

According to the official website of the World Cancer Day Organisation, 10 million people die each year from cancer.

History of Cancer
The first Cancer Day was celebrated in Geneva, Switzerland in the year 1933, an initiative taken by the World Health Organisation. 

World Cancer Day's purpose is to build global awareness and make common people aware of the dangers of cancer and its symptoms and prevention.

Misconception about Cancer
There is also a misconception among many people about cancer that it spreads even by touching. However, this is completely wrong.

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World Cancer Day 2023: Theme
The theme for World Cancer day for the last three years - 2022, 2023 and 2024 - is "Close The Care Gap". 

The multi-year campaign is focused on addressing exposure, engagement, and opportunities to meet global awareness of Cancer Day.

World Cancer Day 2023: Official Colour
The official colours of World Cancer Day are blue and orange.

Symptoms of Cancer
Difficulty in swallowing, Frequent mouth ulcers, Retention of food, Change in urination habits, Intermittent urination, Irregular bleeding, Extreme tiredness, Prolonged cough and coughing up blood, in women Complaints of dirty water, indigestion, flatulence and prolonged fever in children, lumps in the body, loss of weight, loss of appetite are the initial symptoms. They should not be ignored.