The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the country's telecom regulator, has rolled out a website,, aimed at facilitating telecom users to file complaints over a number of issues with their service providers. The TSPS portal will enable users to seek assistance over a slew of issues with ease, ranging from call drops to poor connectivity. The portal provides direct links to telecom companies' websites, offering a slew of services.


Through the TRAI portal, users can navigate to the respective websites of their telecom operators to seek assistance. For instance, the user can report call drops, do-not-disturb services, and network or internet-related inconsistencies, by navigating to the online facility provided by their telecom network directly through the TRAI website.  

How to use the TRAI TSPS website

Here are a few steps that users can follow to report a telecom issue using the new TRAI facility: 

  • Open the TRAI TSPS portal. Here's the direct link
  • Select the apt category. The user may navigate to the concerned section based on the nature of the issue. The TRAI portal offers direct links to telecom service providers' online facilities in the following categories:
    • Entity Registration
    • Header Registration
    • Preference Registration
    • Template Registration
    • Complaint Registration
    • COP Entity
    • COP Preference
    • COP Complaint
    • FAQs
  • Under the category selected, navigate to the direct link of the concerned telecom operator, and follow through. 

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