Solar Eclipse 2023, Solar Eclipse of April 20, 2023, Solar Eclipse 2023 in India date and time: The first Solar Eclipse i.e., the phenomenon in which the Sun is blocked by the Moon will occur on April 20. Also known as Surya Grahan, the eclipse of April 20 will be a hybrid Solar Eclipse of magnitude 1.01 as per Drik Panchang. 


This means that at the moment of the greatest eclipse, the Sun would be completely hidden by the shadow of the Moon. As per the Drik Panchnag, the longest duration of totality would be 1 minute and 15 seconds. This solar eclipse is hybrid as in some parts of Earth, a total solar eclipse would be visible while in some parts of Earth annular solar eclipse would be visible.

Solar Eclipse in India date and time, Surya Grahan 2023 in India date and time

The first solar eclipse of 2023 will take place on April 20. As per astrology, it will occur in Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra. It will start at 7:04 AM and end at 12:29 PM.

Solar Eclipse Sutak time, Solar Eclipse April 2023, Solar Eclipse 2023 visible in India

As Solar Eclipse will not be visible in India, there won’t be any Sutak Kaal—an inauspicious time before Surya Grahan and Chandra Grahan. 

Solar eclipse April 2023: Where will it be visible?

Australia, the Pacific Ocean, East and South Asia, Antarctica, and the Indian Ocean will witness the solar eclipse.

Also read--Solar Eclipse 2023: Never do these things during Surya Grahan - Check complete list

Solar Eclipse April 2023: Next Solar Eclipse in India 2023

The second solar eclipse of 2023 will take place on October 14. This too will not be visible in India.

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