International Yoga Day 2024: PM Narendra Modi - who assumed office for a third straight term last week - mentioned "a new yoga economy" as he addressed a grand event on the occasion of the 10th International Yoga Day at SKICC in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir, on Friday. The Prime Minister, who led the celebrations and also took part in a special group yoga session, touched upon the changing notions about yoga due to its expansion over the last 10 years, highlighting the growing appeal of yoga tourism and people's desire to visit India to learn authentic yoga.


A host of stakeholders are "creating new avenues of employment for the youth", mentioning the growing popularity of yoga retreats, resorts, yoga facilities at airports and hotels, yoga apparel and equipment, personal yoga trainers, and companies carrying out yoga, and mindfulness-wellness initiatives.

The Prime Minister extended his best wishes to all citizens and to those practicing yoga in different parts of the world. 

Here are some key takeaways from what the Prime Minister said:

  • The number of people practicing yoga is growing steadily worldwide 
  • The atmosphere, energy and experience from yoga can be felt in Jammu & Kashmir today
  • Association of 50,000-60,000 people with yoga program in Jammu & Kashmir is huge 
  • This year's event underscores yoga's profound impact on young minds and bodies
  • The celebration aims to unite thousands in the practice of yoga
  • It aims to promote health and wellness on a global scale
  • 2024 theme 'Yoga for Self and Society’ highlights dual role in fostering individual & societal well-being
  • Today, the world is seeing a new yoga economy emerging 
  • The world is looking at yoga as a powerful agent of global good
  • ​Record 177 countries have endorsed India’s proposal in the UN
  • More than 100 institutes in India, 10 major foreign institutes have been recognised by Ayush Ministry-formed Yoga Certification Board 

  • Yoga’s utility is being recognised by people
  • All world leaders show a keen interest in yoga during their interactions with me
  • Yoga has become a part of daily life in every corner of the world
  • Yoga is being accepted in Europe; 1.5 crore German citizens have become yoga practitioners so far
  • Yoga helps us live in the present moment, without the baggage of the past  
  • Yoga helps us realise that our welfare is related to the welfare of the world around us

  • When we are peaceful within, we can also make a positive impact on the world
  • Yoga is scripting new pathways of positive change in society
  • Yoga is important for coping with information overload and maintaining focus as
  • Yoga is being incorporated in fields ranging from army to sports
  • Yoga scripting new pathways of positive change in the society
  • Yoga helps us realise that our welfare is related to the welfare of the world around us
  • Yoga is not only a discipline but also a science