In the evolving landscape of startups today, government initiatives foster a fertile ground for entrepreneurial ventures. Yet, rewind to the 1990s, and the concept of startups was still foreign to many. This was the era when Dr. Mahesh Gupta, an alumnus of IIT Kanpur, embarked on a journey that would redefine water purification in India.

From IIT to Indian Oil


Dr. Mahesh Gupta's career began with a promising stint at Indian Oil after completing his studies at IIT Kanpur. His expertise in petroleum products and dedication to innovation laid a strong foundation for what would later become a pioneering venture in the consumer goods sector.


In 1999, inspired by the dire need for clean water, Dr. Mahesh Gupta founded Kent. Starting from his backyard, Kent initially focused on manufacturing oil checking equipment before pivoting to water purification systems. This shift was catalysxed by a personal experience when his children suffered from jaundice due to contaminated water in Delhi.

From local innovation to global presence

Kent's breakthrough came with the development of India's first indigenous reverse osmosis water purifier. Innovating further, Dr. Gupta introduced transparent, wall-mounted purifiers, addressing cultural preferences and building trust among consumers. His dedication to quality and innovation earned Kent a presence in over 30 countries and a remarkable turnover of Rs 1200 crores.

Beyond water purification

Dr. Mahesh Gupta's entrepreneurial spirit didn't stop at water purification. His latest venture, Kuhl, focuses on energy-efficient fans that promise to reduce electricity consumption significantly. This innovation underscores his commitment to sustainability and consumer-centric solutions.

From revolutionising water purification to pioneering energy-efficient technologies, Dr. Mahesh Gupta's journey epitomises the power of vision and perseverance in transforming industries and enriching lives. Kent stands not only as a testament to his entrepreneurial acumen but also as a beacon of innovation in India's startup ecosystem.