Full Pink Moon April 2024: The pink moon has important astrological ramifications, particularly given its placement in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is known for its intensity and depth, and full moons can bring up intense emotional experiences. This full moon falls exactly one month after a lunar eclipse in March, implying that karmic themes may reemerge at this time.


The full moon in the month of Chaitra is known as Chaitra Purnima and is celebrated all over the world, including India, for its spiritual and cultural significance.

Full Pink Moon April 2024: Timings

The full pink moon started today, April 23 at 3.20 AM IST and will end on April 24 at 5.20 AM IST.

Full Pink Moon April 2024: Why it is called the pink moon

Apart from the colour of the moon itself, the term "Pink Moon" alludes to the pink blossoms of the moss-creeping phlox plant, which blooms in some locations around this time of year.

Full Pink Moon April 2024: When to watch

The Moon will be visible on Monday and Wednesday, but Tuesday is the best day to see it because it will be the brightest. Even North Americans will have the best viewing chance on Tuesday (April 23), when the full Moon rises in the east just after sunset.