Fake WhatsApp Message Alert: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has cautioned the public against a fake message claiming that the government is offering free health insurance to individuals above 50 years of age. In an advisory, the ministry said the message was circulating on certain sections of social media and instant messaging service WhatsApp.  


Here is a screenshot of the message, as received by a user: 

FSSAI-marked cow urine circulated on social media platforms is fakePIB Fact CheckFake 'bomb' note sparks panic on board Vadodara-bound flightCentre takes up surge in online fake reviews with e-com giants, issues draft quality control order

The prevalence of fake messages and misinformation in today's digital age has led to detrimental consequences across various aspects of society. Fake messages and misinformation have the potential to spread rapidly through social media platforms, leading to confusion and panic among the public.


The dissemination of false information erodes trust in reliable sources and institutions, making it challenging for individuals to discern fact from fiction.

Fake messages related to health can pose significant risks as they may promote dangerous practices or discourage individuals from seeking proper medical care.

The harmful effects of fake messages and misinformation underscore the critical need for vigilance and responsible information consumption in today's digital landscape.

What is PIB's  Fact Check Unit and what does it do?

In November 2019, the government set up Fact Check Unit under the Press Information Bureau (PIB) of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB).


The fact check unit of the central government acts as a deterrent to creators and disseminators of fake news and misinformation, providing people with an easy avenue to report suspicious and questionable information pertaining to the Government of India.

The FCU actively monitors, detects, and counters disinformation campaigns, ensuring that false information about the Government is promptly exposed and corrected.

Citizens can reach out to the PIB Fact Check Unit through various modes, including WhatsApp (+918799711259), email (pibfactcheck[at]gmail[dot]com), Twitter (@PIBFactCheck) and the PIB website (https://factcheck.pib.gov.in/), according to an official statement.