Indian travelers heading to the United States should note that attempting to carry fake luxury brand products into the country could result in severe penalties. US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials are actively seizing and destroying counterfeit luxury items at airports, emphasising that such actions violate US laws and can be considered a serious criminal offense under smuggling regulations.

High Price for Fake luxury goods


Travelers should be aware that flaunting fake luxury goods like Gucci, Versace, Louis Vuitton, Nike, Puma, and Adidas in the US can lead to significant losses. The CBP has made it clear that carrying more than one counterfeit product is against US regulations and can be classified as smuggling, a crime with severe repercussions.

Record seizures in 2023

In 2023 alone, CBP officials seized a staggering 23 million fake luxury items from 19,274 shipments at US airports. This aggressive enforcement is part of a broader effort to protect intellectual property rights and prevent luxury brands from incurring substantial financial losses due to counterfeit products.

Guidelines for Indian travelers

Indians traveling to the US are permitted to carry only one counterfeit luxury item for a period of 30 days. Travelers should be cautious and avoid attempting to bring multiple fake products into the country to flaunt their status. The stringent measures underscore the importance of respecting US laws and the potential consequences of violating them.

Protecting intellectual property

The US Customs rules on seizing counterfeit luxury items are designed to safeguard luxury brands from the economic impact of fake goods. The CBP's actions reflect a commitment to upholding intellectual property rights and maintaining the integrity of luxury brands.

Indian travelers are advised to be vigilant and comply with these regulations to avoid legal troubles and financial losses.