The much-awaited film ‘Emergency’ gets a special screening at Cinepolis in Nagpur on Saturday. This high-profile event was graced by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, Bollywood veteran Anupam Kher, and the film’s lead actress and director, Kangana Ranaut. In a heartfelt gesture, the screening has also invited individuals who were imprisoned during the Emergency period for their activism. Among them is Laxmanrao Joshi, who shared his emotional experience of those testing times and the hardships he suffered.

Nitin Gadkari reflects on the Emergency


Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, attending a film screening for the first time, spoke about the importance of revisiting history. “I witnessed the Emergency firsthand, and it shaped my decision to join politics. Kangana has brilliantly captured this critical chapter of our nation’s history, ensuring it reaches the younger generation,” he said.

Recalling personal struggles, Gadkari shared, “My grandfather passed away during the Emergency, and even getting parole to attend the funeral was a battle. Many people suffered greatly, facing police brutality, financial hardships, and the trauma of unjust imprisonment. Kangana deserves immense gratitude for bringing this history to the screen.”

He also praised Kangana’s filmmaking ability, mentioning her previous work, Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, as a masterpiece. “I am confident this film will leave a lasting impact, just like her earlier films.”

Kangana Ranaut expresses gratitude

Kangana, visibly emotional, shared her thoughts on the occasion. “This is the first screening of Emergency, and I’m deeply honored that Nitinji and Anupamji are here to support it. Nitinji feels like family, and his encouragement during tough times has been invaluable.”

She also revealed the challenges she faced in making the film. “We encountered intense audits from censors, historians, and legal experts. Every dialogue was examined, and we had to provide extensive evidence to back our narrative. After six months of perseverance, the film is finally here.”

Kangana added that Emergency is more than just a film. “It’s a tribute to those who fought and suffered during that dark period. I hope it inspires young people to understand and value the sacrifices made for our democracy.”

The screening concluded with heartfelt discussions between the audience and the dignitaries. The event was not just about entertainment but a reflection on India’s resilience during one of its most challenging phases. 

Emergency was set during India’s Emergency period from 1975 to 1977 when civil rights and press freedom were heavily restricted. The film features Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahim Chaudhary, Anupam Kher, the late Satish Kaushik, Vishak Nair, and others. Written by Ritesh Shah, the film will be released on January 17, 2025.