Tue, Aug 24, 2021
Sebi has empanelled over 16 entities, including BDO India, Ernst & Young and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India, for conducting forensic audits of financial statements of listed companies as part of efforts to curb frauds.
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Thu, Feb 28, 2019
EY has announced the launch of the report ‘Life Sciences 4.0: transforming health care in India’ at BioAsia 2019, Hyderabad. The report highlights how technology is disrupting the health care ecosystem in India in the wake of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0).
Thu, Feb 14, 2019
There is hardly any IT or IT-related event in which PM Narendra Modi has participated and not spoken on Cyber Security; such is the importance of the issue.
Tue, May 10, 2016
Rapidly developing countries' renewable energy markets are becoming increasingly attractive for investors, while European markets have become less so, a report by UK accountancy firm Ernst & Young showed on Tuesday.
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