Wed, May 22, 2019
The overall tablet market saw a 11 per cent decline in the first quarter compared to the fourth quarter last year.
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Fri, Mar 03, 2017
The touch screen portable tablet personal computer manufacturers have exited the market in large numbers as a CyberMedia Research paper pointed out that there were only 22 players left in 2016.
Thu, Sep 29, 2016
In January to June period of current calendar year, phonemakers have introduced less than 200 new smartphones.
Mon, Sep 19, 2016
The department had issued the MVNO policy on March 30 this year.
Thu, May 26, 2016
A number of steps such as free internet bundling, tie-ups with e-commerce players helped Datawind to secure the number 1 position.
Tue, Mar 22, 2016
In the year, most Indians bought tablets in the range of Rs 13,000 to Rs 20,000.
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