Is someone recording your phone call? Here's how to find out - Check steps to secure conversations

ZeeBiz WebTeam | Sep 15, 2024, 11:47 AM IST

Is someone recording your phone call? Below, we have meticulously listed some ways in which you can find out whether your call is recorded or not. 


Is someone recording your phone call?

Is someone recording your phone call?

The breach of privacy has emerged as a major concern globally, and initiatives have been taken to address this concern. In that regard, ensuring that phone conversations too remain secure and free of any kind of breach has become paramount. Below, we have meticulously listed some ways in which you can find out whether your call is recorded or not.


Look for a beep sound or computerised intimation

Look for a beep sound or computerised intimation

Generally, a computerised intimation is provided to the caller before the call is recorded, or a beep tone is played compulsorily at the beginning of the call to inform the caller of the call being recorded. In this case, you just need to be attentive to take note of this intimation. 


Check for sign that indicate call recording

Check for sign that indicate call recording

Sometimes, the phone screen itself displays a sign indicating that the call is being recorded by the other party. This may appear in the form of an icon or be reflected in the call history, providing an indication of call recording. 


Inspect for third-party apps with call recording permissions

Inspect for third-party apps with call recording permissions

Sanitise your smartphone by searching for any suspicious app that can potentially record the call. You can also check the permissions granted to different apps by navigating to ‘Settings’ and assessing whether any of the apps have permission to record calls. 


Ask the caller directly

Ask the caller directly

One of the simplest ways is to politely ask the caller at the other end if your call is being recorded. Generally, customer care representatives record calls for training and other professional purposes, and this is usually conveyed to the caller before the call is transferred to the representative. 


Third-party apps can come in handy

Third-party apps can come in handy

There are call recording detection apps available for both Android and iOS, which can help you know whether your call is being recorded. These apps analyse signs of call recording and inform users accordingly. However, these apps are country-specific and might not work in some regions. 


Why is privacy important?

Why is privacy important?

It is to be noted that you are well within your legal rights to inquire if your call is being recorded, as it pertains to privacy- fundamental to human existence according to modern human rights standards. 

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