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How to earn money from Instagram in 2024? Check out these 6 amazing ideas

Earn money from Instagram in 2024: Instagram, the photo-video sharing platform, has evolved into a lucrative source of income for many. Some earn through reels and quality content, while others leverage paid advertising and marketing. Here are six effective strategies to earn money on Instagram:

Written By: ZeeBiz WebTeam
Updated on: May 14, 2024, 10.07 PM IST

Partnership with Brands

Engage with brands for sponsored content, promoting their products or ads in exchange for payment.


Affiliate Marketing/Product Promotion

Collaborate with companies to promote their products through affiliate links, earning a commission for each sale.


Instagram Shop/Sales

Utilize Instagram Shop to directly sell your own products. Consider live streaming to showcase and sell products in real-time.


Monetization Features

Leverage features like issuing badges during live streams, allowing viewers to purchase for support. Membership programs offering exclusive benefits to subscribers can also generate revenue (currently available in the US only).


Content Creation Tips

If you want to become a creator, you can also get help from the company's Instagram channel creators. Link: https://www.instagram.com/creators/?hl=en. You can also take the help of an Instagram guide for money. Link: https://help.instagram.com/


Additional Options

Monetize your creativity by showcasing photography or artwork on Instagram, selling digital or physical products. Offer payment services through online consultations, tutorials, or workshops. Drive traffic to your website or blog to promote existing businesses and services.