China's Xiaomi has launched the Redmi 14C 5G smartphone in India. Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 System on Chip, the Redmi 14C 5G offers dual 5G SIM support. Starting at Rs 9,999, the smartphone offers an "Ultra Slim Body” along with a "Premium Starlight Design" with a glass back panel. This budget smartphone will be available in 3 color variants which are Stardust Purple, Stargaze Black, and Starlight Blue. 


The Redmi 14C 5G features a 6.88-inch HD+ display with a 120Hz refresh rate, offering up to 600 nits of brightness in High Brightness Mode. Talking about its display, the display is certified by TUV Rheinland for low blue light emission and flicker-free visuals for eye comfort. For imaging, the smartphone features a dual-camera set-up at the back with a 50MP primary sensor. It also gets an 8MP camera at the front for selfies, video calls, and more.   

Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chip, the smartphone features a 5160mAh battery and supports 18W wired charging. Plus, this smartphone runs on the Android 14-based Xiaomi HyperOS user interface. The smartphone has a sleek profile, measuring 8.22mm in thickness, and is rated IP52 for dust and water resistance. Other notable features include a 3.5mm headphone jack for wired audio output. 

Redmi 14C 5G: Specifications

  • Display: 6.88-inch display, HD+ resolution, 600nits brightness, 120Hz refresh rate
  • Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2
  • RAM: 4GB/6GB
  • Storage: 64GB/128GB
  • Rear camera: Dual, 50MP primary
  • Front camera: 8MP
  • Battery: 5160mAh
  • Charging: 18W wired
  • OS: Android 14-based HyperOS (2 OS updates + 4 years of security updates)



The Redmi 14C 5G smartphone will be available in India starting January 10 on the company's official website, e-commerce platforms Amazon and Flipkart, as well as at select retail stores.