A person named Rohan updated his status on Whatsapp with an advertisement for his college festival, while one Shalini's status is the funniest cartoon strip you saw all day. You wish to forward both the statuses to your peers but you do not know how. Well, this is a dilemma every user of Whatsapp faces. There are times when one can request the individual to send the media file through a media sharing feature on Whatsapp, but there can be a delay if the said individual is not available. Moreover, Whatsapp statuses are perishable i.e they disappear within 24 hours of upload, hence saving them can be a tedious task. 

Modified Versions


Yo Whatsapp, FM Whatsapp, Whatsapp Plus,  are various modified versions of Whatsapp, available on Google Play store, wherein an inbuilt feature enables one to save Whatsapp statuses on their devices. Unfortunately,  most of the applications are illegitimate and do not provide a secure platform to store the data and hence it is advisable to avoid using them.


Probably the easiest method to save a status that is either a text or an image is to take a screenshot. The image by default gets saved in your gallery under the screenshot album. The only drawback of this method is that the images undergo a little quality loss or put otherwise, seems to pixelate more.

File Manager

Whatsapp tends to save statuses and videos by default in hidden folders. To save this data, with full quality and in a safer way, follow the steps below:

1. Open your File Manager

2. Scroll to the WhatsApp folder.

3. Open “Media” folder

4. You will see a folder at the top named “.statuses”

This folder contains all the viewed statuses and videos over the 24 hour period. Be sure to safe the status on time, as these media files delete automatically after the 24 hours window. 

5. To save the viewed file for future, move/copy it/them to another folder of your choice. You can do that by selecting the media file and selecting move/copy option. Then paste it at the required destination. 

One can use the above mentioned steps to save status media files on external devices or laptops. Simply connect your smartphone to the desired device, follow the exact same steps and choose the location of the media file on the device.