Truke on Wednesday launched two earbuds in India – Truke Fit Pro Power and Fit Buds - both at highly aggressive price points. Both the earbuds have been launched in two colour variants - Royal Blue and Carbon Black. Both Fit Pro Power and Fit earbuds come equipped with Bluetooth 5.0, quick connectivity and instant pairing with 99% devices.  


The Dolphin-shaped earbuds go on sale via Amazon India starting today. The Truke Fit Pro Power is priced at Rs 1299 while the Fit Buds will cost you Rs 799 – a price point at which you usually don’t see TWS. 

Fit Pro Power is an upgraded version of Truke Fit Pro which was launched in July 2020. It comes with, what company calls Dolphin Design 2.0. The buds supports fast charging means a 15-mins charge gives 3 hours of playback and in 25 mins, earbuds can be completely charged. It comes with a 2000 mAh battery. The company claims to offer 100 hours of music playback on the earbuds. 

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“Truke strives to create the best-in-class cutting-edge range of wireless earphones and sonic accessories for music enthusiasts and sound experts who are uncompromising about acoustics. We concentrate on delivering an ultra-rich premium sound quality, reliability, wearing comfort and durability while positioning our products at an affordable range. Our aim is to challenge the high-end sound vista that mostly features exorbitantly-priced products by extending the same quality but at an affordable price,” Pankaj Upadhyay, Founder and CEO, Truke said.