Usually when we create an account on Facebook we are asked to provide our contact number (mobile number) for authentication purposes, but what if this contact number is used to serve those pesky advertisements? 


Isn't that irritating?

Yes shockingly the social media-giant Facebook shares the numbers of its users with the advertisers, so that they are able to scan the process, likes, shares and all the pin point details of the users. They then collect the data and use them to study about the consumer choice, taste, demands. Later the data are being used to publish the similar kind of product advertisements on the users number and account.

Therefore, you will see ads according to the topics which were recently watched, liked by you or shared by you. Henceforth on the basis of your likes individual will receive the advertisement notification on the cell phone.

What to do to save yourself from this?

Delete your personal number from Facebook, how to do it? Here are the simple steps to avoid such chaos

1. login to Facebook and select the down arrow key on the top of the Facebook page

2. Go to setting and left  side in general setting select the option "Mobile" 

3. click on the Remove option and select the OTP sent on your mobile phone and paste it on the right side box and confirm it.

4. By clicking on confirm button you will end up deleting your mobile number on Facebook