Now, the social media messaging app WhatsApp will train you in earning money using the app. The messaging app has tied up with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to train small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs. WhatsApp will train the business persons on using the messaging platform to connect with customers and to grow their businesses.


WhatsApp and CII will also develop informative content to be distributed among entrepreneurs both in physical and digital formats.

WhatsApp Business app is aimed at helping small businesses interact with their customers.

WhatsApp will be providing on-ground training around the country to explain the features and best practices on its Business app that was launched in January this year.

"WhatsApp Business is an Android app which is free to download, and was built with the small business owner in mind. With the app, businesses can interact with customers easily by using tools to automate, sort, and quickly respond to messages. If you're a large business, learn more about the WhatsApp Business API," reads a description on WhatsApp site.

Ben Supple, Public Policy Manager at WhatsApp, said that the company will be introducing more new features in the future to continue helping them grow. He added that the app can help small businesses can easily and efficiently connect with their customers.

Watch This Zee Business Video

Over three million people are already using the WhatsApp Business app globally.