Telegram is the latest social media app which plans to expand its user base by introducing a secure group video calling feature. The announcement came as the social messaging platform reached the milestone of 400 million monthly users globally from 300 million a year ago. In a statement, Telegram said that it has undertaken various initiatives to help its users like planning the launch a secure group video calling feature this year ensuing a high level of utility and security. 


Additionally, being cognizant of the effects of the COVID 19, Telegram messenger has collaborated with the health ministries and governments of 17 different countries till now under the anti-covid initiative. In India, it has launched a dedicated verified channel called MyGov Corona Newsdesk in association with the Government of India to share verified and relevant news and updates to the citizens of the country.

The platform is also contributing for education. It said that due to ongoing lockdown in several countries, nearly 2 billion students are away from their schools. In a crowd sourcing initiative, the company has announced EUR 400,000 to be distributed among online educational test content creators. 

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The users can take part using the Quizbot feature to create and publish original educational test on any subject at any difficulty level, and in any language. Post that Telegram will index these quizzes in the searchable directory. Based on the quality and popularity they will announce winner in multiple stages, and will distribute 2 million EUROS among them. 

Telegram isn’t the only platform that is planning a change in its video call offering. Facebook has introduced a new tool called Messenger Rooms while Google has updated both Google Duo and Google Meet.