Samsung India on Monday launched Galaxy M20 and M10 smartphones at a starting price of Rs 10,990 and Rs 7,990, respectively, to take on Xiaomi`s budget "Redmi" series in the country. Galaxy M20 will be priced at Rs 12,990 for the 4GB+64GB variant, while the 3GB+32GB variant will cost Rs 10,990.  The new Galaxy M series devices, available on Amazon India starting February 5, come with infinity-V display, dual camera with ultra-wide lens, and a new Samsung Experience UX.


"Today`s millennials want a smartphone that is lighting fast, runs longer and comes loaded with latest innovations. Customer-centric approach form a part of our DNA and the new Galaxy M series is an embodiment of that commitment," said Asim Warsi, Senior Vice-President, Samsung India.

Galaxy M20 comes with a FHD+ 6.3-inch FHD+ infinity-V display, while Galaxy M10 has a HD 6.2-inch HD+ screen.

Both the devices come with "Widevine L1" certification for seamless HD content streaming via popular apps.

A big 5000mAh battery powers the Galaxy M20 and the power management feature has a multi-layered technology system that ensures low power consumption, the company claimed. 

There`s type-C fast-charging with a 15W in-box charger.

It is powered by Samsung`s latest Exynos 7904 octa-core processor.

Both Galaxy M20 and M10 sport dual rear cameras with ultra-wide feature.

Galaxy M Series customers on Jio 4G would be entitled to double-data offer on Rs 198 and Rs 299 plans.