Whenever we buy a new, shiny smartphone, the first and foremost thing we do is download applications from the Google Play store. The applications can be messaging, games, editing apps, media streaming, media players etc to name a few. But have we ever scrutinized what kind of applications are we downloading? Is the app even valid or genuine?  Chances are, that in sheer negligence of not cross verifying regarding the application, we let in scammers and hackers into our devices, through fake apps. These malicious applications are fake, duplicates or imitations of the original applications available on Play store. Google Play store has made several efforts to eradicate these duplicate versions of various apps but the stubborn behaviour of hackers and scammers to prey on innocent victims. 


The sad thing is this: to ensure that your device and data is secure, the responsibility ultimately falls on you. Hence it becomes essential to know certain key points to escape downloading a copy. As they say precaution is always better than cure, and a little diligence goes a long way.

1. Attention towards Search Results

When you search for an application on Google Play store, firstly take a closer attention on how your search result looks. If the results tend to have a repetition of one logo, then it should cause immediate suspicion that only one of them is actually the genuine app.

2. Cross check the Application name and Developer

The duplicate applications tend to make spelling errors or certain changes in the names which distinguish them with the original. If your observation is keen, even the stealthiest fake application would not be able to escape your cautious eyes. Similarly, look out for the name of the developer beneath the name of the application. Chances are that imitation of original applications will have some random names for developers whilst the genuine will host names of real developers, who you can search for on the internet.

3. 'Top Developer' and 'Editor's Choice'

When you open , look out for tags which reads 'Top Developer' or 'Editor's choice'. The application that have either of them are least likely to be a duplicate application.

4.The download count

If you are downloading a popular application like Instagram or Facebook, the download count is likely to be higher. If an app has a count say around 5000, chances of that app to be fake are higher.

5. Application Description

Every application provides a basic description about what its application is all about, along with screenshots. If the language of the description seems bot-like, with errors and mistakes or the pictures in the screenshots do not seem authentic, then it is advisable to avoid downloading that app.

6. Reviews and Ratings

Lastly, read the user reviews and ratings. An application with low ratings and negative reviews tend to be malicious kind. You are bound to find a review that will state that the application is fake. If so, simply avoid.

7. Search on the Internet

If any of the above do not work for you, you can always search on the internet if the application is safe for you. If the app has some bad reputation attached to it, it will definitely show in the search results.