Ever thought of buying Apple iPhone XR, but dropped the idea thinking that it is too expensive? Well, here is your chance to grab this Apple smartphone, which is now available at just Rs 70,500 - down by Rs 6,400. Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom has announced price drop for all three variants of the smartphone. The retailer is offering the 64GB variant of iPhone XR at Rs 70,500, 128GB variant at Rs 75,500 and 256GB variant for Rs 85,900. However, this price cut has only been announced by the retailer and Apple has said there is no official price cut.


The official website of Apple India still shows the price of the 64GB variant of the phone as Rs 76,900 which was announced at the time of launch. The other e-commerce websites like Flipkart and Amazon India are also showing the original price of the device. This means that the price cut announced by Mahesh Telecom could be for a limited period. 

"#Apple #iPhoneXR #Pricedrop 64GB our offer price Rs.70500/- 128GB our offer price Rs.75500/- 256GB our offer price Rs.85900/-," the retailer tweeted from its official handle. 

Apple iPhone XR can also be purchased from the iStore at an EMI of Rs 3,299. It is the lower variant of iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max and was launched by Apple last year. The phone was priced at Rs 76,900 (64GB) in India, with the higher storage versions costing Rs 81,900 (128GB) and Rs 91,900 (256GB).

Apple iPhone XR features and specifications

It sports a 6.1-inch Liquid Retina LCD display with 1792 X 828 pixel resolution and is powered by Apple’s A12 Bionic Chipset. The phone has a single wide-angle rear camera of 12MP resolution with f/1.8 aperture. For front camera, iPhone XR has a 7MP sensor with f/2.2 aperture. It has 3G RAM and is powered by a 2716 mAh battery.