The Indian smartphone market grew 3.2 percent with 39 million units shipment in the second quarter of 2024, market research firm International Data Corporation said on Tuesday. The market was led by Chinese smartphone maker Vivo with a 16.5 per cent share in volume terms with its shipment growing by 6.7 per cent on a year-over-year (YoY) basis, it said.


Apple led the super-premium segment, which are smartphones priced above Rs 67,000 apiece with an 83 per cent share followed by Samsung with a 16 percent share."Overall, Vivo continued to lead for the second consecutive quarter, with multiple launches across price segments through the Y series, mid-premium V series, and flagship X Fold 3 Pro.

Motorola registered the highest growth backed by product portfolio across price segments," the report said. Xiaomi followed Vivo with 13.5 percent market. Samsung slipped to the third sport with a 12.9 percent share as its shipment declined 15.4 percent on a YoY basis, according to the report.

Apple stood at the sixth spot with a 6.7 percent market share and a 24.2 percent increase in shipment on a YoY basis. According to IDC Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, the Indian smartphone market shipped 69 million smartphones in the first half of 2024. In the premium segment, the price range above Rs 50,000 to Rs 67,000, Apple's share increased YoY to 61 percent, while Samsung's share increased to 24 per cent, from 21 per cent a year ago, the report said.

"The entry-premium segment (USD200 or about Rs 16,700 to USD 400 or Rs 33,500) is expected to see healthy growth, while the entry-level (sub-USD100) will remain challenged at least this year despite efforts around launching affordable 5G smartphones. Also, the marketing around GenAI smartphones will be more pronounced, amid heavy promotional activities around it," IDC, Associate Vice President, Devices Research, Navkendar Singh said.

The biggest growth segment in the overall smartphone market was the entry-premium segment which counts devices priced in the range of Rs 16,000 to Rs 33,500. The segment's share increased to 30 percent from 22 percent and registered the highest growth of 42 percent on a YoY basis.

According to the report, 27 million 5G smartphones were shipped in the quarter, and the share of 5G smartphone shipments increased to 77 percent, up from 49 percent in the year-ago period, while 5G smartphone ASPs declined by 22 percent YoY to USD 293 or about Rs 24,600. Within 5G, shipments of the mass budget segment priced in the range of Rs 8,000-Rs 16,700, grew by 2.5 times to reach a 45 percent share