SBI 444-day FD vs Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Which will give more interest on Rs 2.5 lakh, Rs 5 lakh, and Rs 7.5 lakh investments; know here

SBI 444-day FD vs Central Bank of India 444-day FD: State Bank of India's 444-day FD is known as Amrit Vrishti scheme, while Central Bank of India's FD of the same duration is known as Cent Super Time Deposit. These FDs offer higher interest rates compared to FDs of nearly similar duration from the same bank. 

Shaghil Bilali | Dec 22, 2024, 09:58 AM IST

SBI 444 day FD vs Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Banks offer special fixed deposit (FD) schemes time and again. Such FDs are for a limited duration and can be extended depending on investor interest. Banks often offer higher interest rates in special FDs compared to what they offer in traditional FDs. Special FDs can be callable or non-callable. Investors who withdraw money on the maturity of the special FD get the maximum benefit of their high interest rates.  
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SBI 444-day FD vs Central Bank of India 444-day FD

SBI 444-day FD vs Central Bank of India 444-day FD

State Bank of India (SBI) and Central Bank of India both run FDs of 444 days. SBI's 444-day FD, also known as Amrit Vrishti, also offers the highest interest rate among all SBI FDs. Central Bank of India's 444-day FD is known as Cent Super Time Deposit, and comes with callable and non-callable options. Know which of them offer higher interest rates to general and senior citizens and which of the 2 FDs will give a higher return on investments of Rs 2.50 lakh, Rs 5 lakh, and Rs 7.50 lakh.  


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Interest rate for general citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Interest rate for general citizens

The interest rate for general citizens is 7.25 per cent. (As per 


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Interest rate for senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Interest rate for senior citizens

Senior citizens get 7.75 per cent interest rate in the SBI FD.


Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Interest rate for general citizens (callable)

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Interest rate for general citizens (callable)

The bank offers callable and non-callable 444-day FD.
In callable, general citizens get 7.45 per cent interest rate. 
In the non-callable category, they get 7.60 per cent interest rate. 



Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Interest rate for senior citizens (non callable)

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Interest rate for senior citizens (non callable)

For the callable FD, Interest rate for senior citizens in the 444-day FD is 7.95 per cent.
In the non-callable 444-day FD, senior citizens get 8.10 per cent interest rate.


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

On investing Rs 2.50 lakh, the estimated interest will be Rs 22,833.85 and the estimated maturity will be Rs 2,72,833.85. 


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

Senior citizens will get estimated interest of Rs 24,467.60 and estimated Rs 2,74,467.60 in maturity. 


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

In investing Rs 5 lakh, general citizens will get estimated interest of Rs 45,667.69 and the estimated maturity amount of Rs 5,45,667.69.


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

On investing Rs 5 lakh, senior citizens will get estimated Rs 48,935.21 in return and estimated Rs 5,48,935.21 in maturity.


SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 7.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

SBI 444-day Amrit Vrishti FD: Return on Rs 7.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

A Rs 7.50 lakh investment will help general citizens get Rs 68,501.54 in interest and estimated Rs 8,18,501.54 in maturity.
Senior citizens will get estimated Rs 73,402.81 in interest and estimated Rs 8,23,402.81 in maturity.


Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

We are calculating for non-callable category. 
The estimated interest for general citizens on investing Rs 2.50 lakh will be Rs 23,976.66. The estimated maturity will be Rs 2,73,976.66.


Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

For senior citizens, estimated return on Rs 2.50 lakh investment will be Rs 25,615.85, while the estimated maturity will be Rs 2,75,615.85.


Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 5 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

On investing Rs 5 lakh, general citizens will get estimated Rs 47,953.33 in interest and estimated Rs 5,47,953.33 in maturity.
A Rs 5 lakh investment in the 444-day FD will help senior citizens get estimated return of Rs 51,231.71 and the estimated maturity of Rs 5,51,231.71.


Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 7.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

Central Bank of India 444-day FD: Return on Rs 7.50 lakh investment for general and senior citizens

The estimated interest on Rs 7.50 lakh investment will be Rs 71,929.99 and the estimated maturity will be Rs 8,21,929.99.
Senior citizens will get estimated interest of Rs 76,847.56 and the estimated maturity of Rs 8,26,847.56.

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