Power of Compounding: How to double your Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh & in how many years; understand with this investment rule
Discover how the Rule of 72 can help double your Rs 5 lakh investment to Rs 10 lakh. Understand compounding power, you can calculate growth time with various interest rates and plan your financial goals.
Power of Compounding: The Rule of 72 is a simple yet powerful formula that helps estimate how long it will take to double your investment. If you aim to grow Rs 5 lakh into Rs 10 lakh, this rule offers a quick calculation based on interest rates, revealing the potential of compound interest. By dividing 72 by the interest rate, you can determine your doubling time, making it easier to set financial targets and make smarter investment choices. You can plan your wealth growth with this essential tool.
(Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. Do your own due diligence or consult an expert for financial planning)
What is the Rule of 72?


How Does the Rule of 72 Work?

Example Calculation

Doubling Time at Various Interest Rates

How much time will it take to double Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh?

Advantages of the Rule of 72

- Simple and Quick: Can be calculated mentally for a quick estimation.
- Versatile: Applicable to various investment scenarios, such as GDP growth and population increase.
- Goal Setting: Helps set realistic investment expectations.
- Comparative Tool: Useful in comparing potential returns across different investment options.
Disadvantages of the Rule of 72

- Accuracy Limitations: Less accurate when interest rates fall outside the range of 6-10%.
- Approximate Estimation: Provides a rough estimate rather than a precise figure.
- Interest Rate Sensitivity: Not ideal for investments with fluctuating or variable interest rates.
- Inapplicability to Simple Interest: Designed for compound interest, not simple interest