5 Mistakes that can get your car insurance claim rejected

Most insurance plans demand that claims be reported as soon as an incident occurs. Delays can complicate the claims process, making it more difficult to precisely estimate damage or identify liability.   

Bhawna Gupta | May 23, 2024, 06:01 PM IST

5 Mistakes that can get your car insurance claim rejected

Car insurance is meant to protect you from financial losses caused by accidents or other damage to your car. 


Claim procedure

Claim procedure

However, the procedure of making a claim is not always simple, and various traps might result in your claim being denied.


5 Things to avoid

5 Things to avoid

Here are five things you can do to avoid your car insurance claim being rejected.


Understand policy details

Understand policy details

Car insurance policies may be complicated to understand. You should take the time to read and understand your policy or talk with an insurance representative to clear up any doubt.


Don't delay in filing your claim

Don't delay in filing your claim

Most insurance plans demand that claims be reported as soon as an incident occurs. Delays can complicate the claims process, making it more difficult to precisely estimate damage or identify liability. 


Provide correct information

Provide correct information

Incomplete or erroneous information might result in a claim denial. This covers everything from the incident description to personal information and the degree of the harm. 


Don't drink and drive

Don't drink and drive

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only unlawful, but it also constitutes a major breach of vehicle insurance coverage. If it is proven that you were intoxicated at the time of the accident, your claim will almost probably be denied.


Pay premiums on time

Pay premiums on time

You should also pay premiums on time. Failing to make these payments on time can result in a lapse of coverage, which means that no claims will be honored during the period of non-coverage. 

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