Home Loan+SIP: How SIP of 10% of EMI amount can make your home loan interest-free
Home Loan+SIP Calculator: Home loans are high in amount and have a long duration. So, the interest amount is most likely to be larger than the principal amount during that duration. But if you simultaneously make an investment in a mutual fund SIP where you get good growth, you may gather a corpus that can match your interest amount.
Home Loan+SIP Calculator: Buying a home in cash is nearly impossible these days. The reason is that real estate properties are expensive, and buyers don't have the purchasing power to buy a home in one go. So they take a home loan. Such loans have long durations and may come for 15–25 years. So, when it is taken for a long duration, the interest paid is most likely to be higher than the principal amount. Down payment, prepayment, or extra EMI are some of the prominent options to reduce interest burden. But if one is not in a position to do either of them and is left with a little amount after paying their equated monthly instalment (EMI), there can be another way to lighten the interest burden. It can be to make a parallel investment alongside paying your EMI. One of the options may be to invest through SIP in a mutual fund scheme. Though it will not reduce your EMI, it may help you build a large corpus along with your home loan repayment. Here, if you invest just 10 per cent of your EMI in a SIP scheme and get a 15 per cent annualised return on that, even that amount in 20 years can help you build a corpus that can match your interest amount. In this write-up, know how it may be possible.
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