FD vs NSC: Which will get higher return on Rs 3,00,000, Rs 6,00,000 and Rs 9,00,000 investment?
Compare Fixed Deposit (FD) and National Savings Certificate (NSC) to determine which offers higher returns on investments of Rs 3 lakh, Rs 6 lakh and Rs 9 lakh. Analyes interest rates and benefits.
Choosing between a Fixed Deposit (FD) and a National Savings Certificate (NSC) can be crucial for investors seeking secure and profitable options. Both are popular schemes offering competitive returns, but they cater to different financial goals. This article provides a detailed comparison of SBI 5 year FD and NSC based on returns for investments of Rs 3 lakh, Rs 6 lakh, and Rs 9 lakh. Understand the interest rates, maturity values, tax benefits and features of both options to make an informed decision for your investments.
(Disclaimer: This is not investment advice. Do your own due diligence or consult an expert for financial planning)