8:4:3 Investment Rule: In how many years your Rs 1 crore corpus can turn into Rs 2 crore and Rs 3 crore

The 843 Investment Rule and Rule of 72 help mutual fund investors achieve long-term growth. With a 12% return, investments double in 8 years and quadruple in 12 years. Combined with SIP contributions, these rules can grow your Rs 1 crore corpus to Rs 2 crore and beyond.

ZeeBiz WebTeam | Sep 09, 2024, 06:35 PM IST

The 843 investment rule and the rule of 72 are key strategies for mutual fund investors aiming for long-term growth. The 843 rule, based on a 12% annual return, shows how investments double in 8 years, quadruple in 12 years, and grow eightfold in 15 years. The Rule of 72 helps estimate how long it takes to double your money by dividing 72 by the return rate. By combining these with disciplined SIP contributions, you can grow your Rs 1 crore corpus into Rs 2 crore and Rs 3 crore efficiently.


The 8:4:3 Rule Overview

The 8:4:3 Rule Overview

This rule helps investors estimate how long it will take to double, quadruple, and multiply their investments with a 12% annual return.


First Doubling in 8 Years

First Doubling in 8 Years

With a 12% return, your investment doubles in approximately 8 years.


Second Doubling in 4 Years

Second Doubling in 4 Years

After the first 8 years, your investment doubles again in 4 years, making it 4 times the original amount.


Third Doubling in 3 Years

Third Doubling in 3 Years

In the next 3 years, your investment doubles once more, reaching 8 times the initial corpus.


Compounding Effect

Compounding Effect

The longer you stay invested, the more you benefit from earning returns not only on the principal but also on accumulated interest.


Doubling Rs 1 crore corpus

Doubling Rs 1 crore corpus

Starting with Rs 1 crore and investing Rs 50,000 monthly through SIPs at a 12% return rate, your corpus will double to Rs 2 crore in approximately 8 years.


Tripling Rs 1 crore corpus

Tripling Rs 1 crore corpus

Continuing the same SIP, your investment will grow to Rs 3 crore in around 12 years.


The Rule of 72

The Rule of 72

Divide 72 by your annual return rate to estimate how long it will take to double your investment. For a 12% return, it will take around 6 years.


​Disciplined Investment Strategy

​Disciplined Investment Strategy

The 8:4:3 rule encourages consistent, long-term investing, helping you ride out market volatility and avoid impulsive decisions.


​Inflation Protection

​Inflation Protection

This rule assumes a 4% annual inflation rate, meaning your investment grows in real terms, preserving its purchasing power over time.

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