State Bank of India is the largest public sector bank. SBI's debit card market share is around 32.3% with 27.83 lakh debit card and debit card spend market share at 30 per cent as of March 2018. With Jan Dhan account, the number of first-time debit card users have also gone up. While you may be aware of the Dos and Donts of ATM/Debit card usage, here are 12 'Golden Rules' laid by State Bank of India to enable its customers to get rid of 'dangers' during ATM transactions: 


1. Please sign on the reverse of the card immediately on receipt.

2. Change your ATM PIN regularly.

3. Never keep the PIN with the debit card or write on it. Always memorize it.

4. Do not provide the ATM card and PIN details to anyone, including Bank/IBA/RBI/Govt. agency/family/friends, etc. Bank or any other institution will never ask for this information.

5. Do not let strangers come into the ATM room or take their help to complete the transactions.

6. Hide the keypad while keying in your PIN at ATM/POS terminals.

7. Do not throw your transaction slip in the ATM room as it contains your account information.

8. Always wait till the ATM returns to the idle mode and the green light is blinking.

9. Insist on swiping your card in your presence in hotels/shops/malls, etc.

10. Never swipe your card at POS machines kept at unknown temporary stalls.

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11. Block and destroy your old card, when you get a new one. Register your mobile number at the Branch to get SMS alerts for all transactions

12. Hotlist your card immediately on losing it by calling 1800 425 3800 or 1800 11 22 11.