It is important to plan about retirement well in advance to avoid any financial uncertainties in your old age. As you approach retirement there could be additional family responsibilities like marriage or higher education of children, and buying a new home, among others. Retirement planning involves some important decisions towards savings and investments to meet the future financial expenses.


Savings for retirement can help to avoid any financial crisis in future. While government employees usually rely on their pension as a post-retirement income, there is still a section of people who often neglect these financial goals and may end up struggling after retirement.  

However, with a little retirement planning, anyone can have the power to fulfil their dream while also maintaining their financial independence. Before knowing the key steps to retirement planning, let's discuss why retirement planning is important. 

Importance of Retirement Planning

Making proper plans for retirement is very important as it not only provides adequate financial assistance in old age but also helps to maintain the same quality of life in the future, without having to depend on others. Besides that, with the right retirement plan, one is also prepared for any emergency or unforeseen event. Most importantly, many wish to leave a part of their savings for their family, even in their absence. Retirement planning also plays a major role in this. 

Steps for Retirement Planning

Decide when to start: It is very important to know when to start retirement planning. The earlier you start investing for your retirement the higher the chances of getting more return. It is suggested that people start planning early to save the maximum funds for their future. 

Where to invest: One of the most important steps in retirement planning is to decide where to invest. Choosing an efficient investment plan helps to save a lump sum amount for retirement. Individuals must note the risks and the benefits while choosing between different plans. 

Set a retirement budget: In accordance with your income and future goals, it is important to figure out the amount that you'll need after retirement. Therefore, setting a retirement budget is also important to meet all the plans and goals. 

Prioritise financial goals: As people may have several post-retirement expenses like planning a wedding, going on holidays, or buying a home, it is important to prioritise these goals and make savings accordingly.