It's a good news for those who withdraw cash from the ATMs of other banks! The Modi government has made a major announcement at the time of COVID-19 pandemic. As per the decision announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, debit card holders, who withdraw cash from any bank ATM, can do it free of charge for the next three months.
" you may have a debit card from a bank, a particular bank, but you will now be allowed, without additional charges, to draw cash from any other bank's ATM for the next three months," the Finance Minister said during a press briefing on Tuesday.
The 'no charges for cash withdrawal from ATMs of other banks' decision came a few hours before PM Narendra Modi announced 21-day complete lockdown for the entire India.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a complete lockdown across the country for 21 days from Tuesday midnight, asserting that social distancing is the only way out for the country in its decisive battle against the coronavirus. In his second address to the nation on the pandemic raging across much of the world with the number of infections rising in India, Modi made a fervent appeal to the countrymen not to cross the 'Lakshman rekha' of their homes in the next three weeks.
Any negligence in these 21 days will "push the country and your families by 21 years", he said underlining the massive danger the coronavirus poses. The experience of countries, which have been able to contain the virus to some extent and experts' views have made it clear that social distancing caused by a lockdown is the only way to break the cycle of the infection, he said. This is the only ray of light, he asserted.
"To save India, to save every Indian, there will be a complete ban on people from stepping outside their houses from 12 midnight today," he said.