Multiple Credit Card Holders Alert! Are you having an overwhelming dilemma on how to manage your credit card balance? Are you wondering whether owning more than one card would be a wise decision or not? Well, fret not. They are many sailing on the same boat when it comes to credit cards. Credit cards are nothing but a way in which the user is able to make purchases and payments, with the user repaying the amount plus additional service charges to the card issuer. 


But like every side of a coin, holding more than one credit card has its own merits and demerits. On one hand, a person can have separate cards for separate uses but managing multiple cards can be one tedious task.


1. Low Utilization ratio:
Owning a single credit card can lead to a point where one exhausts the credit limit. Hence it is advisable to have multiple cards to keep a good utilization ratio.

2. Credit Score
If you are meticulous and make payments on time, then chances of having a better credit score are high. This also ensures access to more credit opportunities. 

3. More Credit limit
More credit cards give more spending limit. Used responsibly, a person holding more credit cards gets the benefit of a higher credit limit. 

4. Cash-backs and Rewards
Each credit card comes with various perks and benefits including rewards, deals and discounts on various segments. Customers with more credit cards have better access to these rather than a single card holder. 

5. Using one card for the other
Multiple credit card holders have the advantage of making one payment through another credit card, only if the due dates of payment are not the same. This gives the person sufficient time to arrange funds and make the latter's payments in due time.


1. Tedious management
One of the major drawbacks of multiple credit cards in the management of the credit bills. The more the credit cards, the more difficult it becomes to keep a track of the due date of payments. If the person defaults in making payments, it takes a toll on one's credit score.

2.Unnecessary Debt
Greed is one true evil and with many credit cards, it is bound to happen. Reckless and irresponsible spending can lead to a person having numerous debts. Hence, one should caution about overspending