Season 7 popular TV show "Game of Thrones" has just concluded. Fans of the show are still coping up with the fact that they have to wait for two years, this time can be utilised for learning financial lessons from the show.


Yes, you read it right. Game of Thrones can teach you a lot about managing your finances. 

Consider this "throne" as your financial goal. The goals which you need to achieve over a period of time. 

Here are five financial tips:

1. Pay your debt: 

If you have been following the show, one thing which House Lannister believes is "A Lannister always pay his debts".

Financial lesson: Always pay back your debts without any delay. In today's time, taking loans from bank has become a necessity simply because owing anything without bank's help is always out of budget. Whether to buy a car, home or opt for higher studies, you are piled with multiple loans. 

The thing to remember here is do not borrow huge amount which is out of your budget. Once you took the loan, do pay its monthly EMIs without fail. 

Job Cuts: Prepare for the worst with an Emergency Fund

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